Elections both local and national are a zero-sum game.
Implementing the right strategy, focusing on the right audience, and projecting the key messages are the KPIs for a winning campaign.
Based on highly analytic & strategic capabilities along with an advanced BI system to manage & analyze research results and classify target groups, we develop a winning strategy.
3 Stages Model
The election period should be divided into 3 different Stages.
Each stage requires different focus points, activities, and resource allocation.
Planning and managing the process according to these stages will enhance the opportunity for success.
Stage 1 – Starting [+12 Months before Election]
Step by step process:
1. Collecting initial information on competitors and creating a competitition map
2. Assesing the satisfaction level towards the current leader
3. Creating a perception map, evaluating, and analyzing current positioning of the candidate
Recommended – T.0 Research
Recommended percentage of budget: 5-10%
Main Target: To make a decision - To compete or to quit
Stage 2 – Alignment [4-12 Months before Election]
Main activities:
- Positioning
- Forming a list
- Political moves
- Collaborations and alliances
- PR and events
- Social Media
Research: T.1
Recommended percentage of budget: 15-20%
Main Target: To begin the campaign as a leading candidate
Stage 3 – Campaign [0-4 Months before Election]
- Campaign 360
- Targeting the undecided groups
- Practical field work
- Conventions
- PR
- Election day management
Research: T.2 - Debating groups targeting
Recommended percentage of budget: 75%
Main Target: Winning the elections